
Monday, August 22, 2011

Our new home!!

We are officially a base family!!! Here is a pic of our cute new house!

Its two bedrooms and 1 1/2 baths. Its a little small but it fits up perfectly. Plus we have a generous size garage and storage area, plus a fenced in yard for Remi and Parker to play in!!! God always knows what we need and we are very thankful and blessed!


Well we finally made it here!!!! We have been here for a little over a month now and we are starting to settle in. It has been a crazy ride to get here. We spent 6 days on the road and had some major trailer issues along the way. 6 days on a ferry where Parker got sick and I felt sick for most of the trip. We arrived on a Friday and Matt left the very next day! I got to spend 12 days on the second story of the hotel  without a working elevator so I got to drag the kids, all the stuff and the dog up and down the stairs!! Did I mention Matts truck got damaged along its trip and I got to handle that too! LOL&CRYING TOO!!

I can not tell you God kept me sane and I will never forget how wonderful it was when housing called and said "we have your house ready"!! I actually cried I was so happy!!! So we camped out in our cute little house till we got our furniture a week later. I spent the next 3 weeks unpacking EVRy single box myself and unpacking EVERY single item too!!! I was so glad to have things in their place and it is starting to feel like home! I feel bak to life having internet again and so now I can update my blog and let everyone in on how life up here in "Mylaska"is going for us!

We thank you all for all the prayers we received along the way. We know all your support and prayers got us here safely! Love to you all!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

7 Months!

Ok So I know she was 7 months... a month ago in July, but I've been a little busy! We arrived in Kodiak a month ago, finally got a house and I have been making my way thru the mountain of endless boxes! Oh yeah and all while my hubby is at sea! So I am very proud of this one, not only for finally getting it done but for its patriotic theme! Isn't she just so adorable? God Bless the USA!!!